We recently released SEW version 4.5.20 with many new updates related to application sharing, schedule copying, report defaults, and many other enhancements. The updates include:
Enhancements to application sharing to make it easier for multiple users to use and update employee and schedule information at the same time. Previous versions of the SEW application had certain restrictions on database sharing which are now removed. In addition, other enhancements have been made to improve functionality when mutiple users are using the application at the same time.
Implementation of report default settings on a individual user basis. This will make it easier to generate recurring reports. Each user can have their own default report settings. This was a specific customer request and we are happy to provide the functionality now.
Enhancements to the schedule copying functionality to allow users to preserve vacation time and vacation days in the target work week. This is a common schedule copy issue where users put vacation time in the scheduler in advance of actually scheduling work for the same day or week.
An employee drop down list on the Employee fom to allow easier navigation in departments with many employees.
Many other smaller enhancements to the application to improve performance and make the application more user friendly.
We encourage customers to download and install this update immediately.