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Skip Navigation LinksHome > Guia International Product Forums > Scheduling Employees 4.5, Revision 7
Last Post 12/11/2012 7:19:53 PM By Admin. 0 replies.
12/11/2012 7:19:53 PM
Posts: 45
Joined: 10/31/2011
Location:Hollywood, FL
Scheduling Employees 4.5, Revision 7
This Revision (7)  fixes:
  • The Birthday and Anniversary function
  • Corrects the Opening Splash Screen
1.It is always a good idea to create a backup of your current database before performing any update. In your current version, go to File/Backup database,then save this .bak file to your computer
2.Log on to your account
3.Click the "My Orders" tab, then click on the order number of your original purchase or trial
4.Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Download" button- the file name is SEWSetupv457.zip
5.Windows 7/Vista users: Save (not Open) the file SEWSetupv457.zip to your computer (this may take a few minutes). Once downloaded, right-click the zip file and select "Extract All..." then "Extract" Once extracted, right-click the setup file and select "Run as Administrator," select "Yes" then follow the prompts the finish the installation.
6.All other OS's: Download the SEWSetupv457.zip, then extract (see #5 above). Double-click the setup file then follow the prompts to finish the installation
7.If you have purchased Scheduling Employees 4.0, use the same registration code you were issued with the original purchase- you can find it under My Account/My Orders/Your Order Number. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and the code will be listed under the Download button.
If you need your username and/or password, contact us via Our Contact Page or email: guia@workschedules.com Please provide us with as much contact information as possible (name, address, phone number). We will forward you your username, then you can perform a password recovery (Select Forgot Password? at the Log In page). This will send a temporary password to the email address listed under your order. Copy and Paste this temporary password and log in with your username. You can then change your password by going to the User Password tab in your account.
Customer Service (800) 380-0073 guia@workschedules.com