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Skip Navigation LinksHome > Guia International Product Forums > I can't save my Gmail username and password...
Last Post 11/8/2012 9:42:09 AM By Admin. 0 replies.
11/8/2012 9:42:09 AM
Posts: 45
Joined: 10/31/2011
Location:Hollywood, FL
I can't save my Gmail username and password in Scheduling Employees Email Accounts
If you're getting the following message when you try to save your Gmail username/password:
"You have chosen Gmail as your default account, however the username and password have not been completed.  Please correct this issue and try again"
We are in the process of correcting this, but in the meantime, in the Email Accounts menu, add the username and password on the Gmail, Hotmail, and/or Yahoo! tab and then click OK to save.  Then reopen the form and select the default email account on the General tab and click OK again. 
If you have any questions, please let us know through the contact page or email us at techsupport@workschedules.com
Customer Service (800) 380-0073 guia@workschedules.com