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Skip Navigation LinksHome > Guia International Product Forums > Scheduling Employees 4.0, Revision 12
Last Post 8/14/2012 4:11:42 PM By Admin. 0 replies.
8/14/2012 4:11:42 PM
Posts: 45
Joined: 10/31/2011
Location:Hollywood, FL
Scheduling Employees 4.0, Revision 12
A free update is available for those who have purchased Scheduling Employees 4.0, which contains fixes for the following:
  • Adjustments to the Migration Tool to correct an issue related to the migration of Day Types from version 3.5 to 4.0
  • Corrected an issue related to sorting on the main scheduling form when changing weeks.
  • Corrected an issue regarding "Database in use" error

Revision 11 fixed the following:

  • Issue related to inactive workers who have requested day(s) off.
  • Resolution of issue related to Day Types not refreshing on main scheduling form after selecting vacation days.
  • Updated SEW help file

To access the update, please log in, go to My Orders, then click on your order number.  Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and you will see the most updated version of Scheduling Employees listed.  Click on the Download button.  Save the file to your computer, and extract the contents.  If you are a Vista/Windows 7 user, right-click the setup file and select Run as Administrator, select Yes, then follow the prompts to finish the update..  For all other operating systems, double-click the setup file and follow the prompts to finish the update.

If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us techsupport@workschedules.com  Please provide specific steps as to how you arrived at the problem/error, we will assist in resolving it as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Customer Service (800) 380-0073 guia@workschedules.com