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Last Post 8/14/2012 4:30:34 PM By Admin. 2 replies.
7/15/2012 1:15:18 AM
Posts: 3
Joined: 5/7/2012
emailing rosters
When will the Modual for  emailing rosters be available . and how far is the sms version away ... will the emailversion be able to sent individual roster for each employee or will there be a standard roster for everyone
Brisbane Austrailia
7/31/2012 11:41:32 AM
Posts: 45
Joined: 10/31/2011
Location:Hollywood, FL
Re: emailing rosters
We have just started the testing phase for the email function in Outlook 2007.  Outlook 2010 will be next, followed by gmail/yahoo/hotmail in the coming weeks.  We will keep you posted about the details once we test the function thoroughly, stay tuned...
Customer Service (800) 380-0073 guia@workschedules.com
8/14/2012 4:30:34 PM
Posts: 45
Joined: 10/31/2011
Location:Hollywood, FL
Re: emailing rosters
The Outlook 2007 Add in is nearing completion of the testing phase, we are on to testing the Outlook 2010 Add in, then Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail shortly thereafter.
Customer Service (800) 380-0073 guia@workschedules.com