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Skip Navigation LinksHome > Guia International Product Forums > Picture Timeclock Version 4.3.3 Has Been Released
Last Post 6/4/2019 11:57:09 AM By admin. 0 replies.
6/4/2019 11:57:09 AM
Posts: 35
Joined: 6/12/2007
Picture Timeclock Version 4.3.3 Has Been Released
Guia International is happy to announce the release of Picture Timeclock version 4.3.3.  This is a general update to the larger 4.3.2 version update, but also includes additional features.  The features/issues addressed in version 4.3.3 are as follows:
  • The addition of an Adobe Reader PDF export to the Reports form.  This was a customer requested feature and we are happy to be able to provide this functionaliy.
  • The addition of a Microsoft Excel export feature on the Reports form.  This was also a customer requested feature.
  • Improvements to the Employee form to provide more consistent reliable performance.
  • Improvements to the time clock form to improve reliabiity.
  • Updates to the Import Employees functionaliy to provide duplicate checking and other enhancements.